elt tec br
Coordenação Executiva
Eletrônica tec br - ACADEMIA
Material de Estudo
O rol aqui apresentado tem caráter informativo e educacional, sem fins lucrativos, para servir de referência de estudo, com o objetivo de colaborar no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos, habilidades e competências pessoais na área de Eletrônica, em conformidade com o caráter de divulgação técnica e científica do portal eletronica.tec.br (elt.tec.br). Conteúdos de terceiros não são reprooduzidos, mas direcionados para as páginas dos respectivos autores ou distribuidores responsáveis e detentores dos direitos de autoria.
O rol de eventos aqui apresentados tem caráter informativo. A oferta e realização é de responsabilidade de seus organizadores e promotores.
24 e 25 SET2022 -
Nuttx Free Online International Workshop 2022
08:00 - 18:00
The scope of the workshop is the Nuttx
Real Time Operating System (RTOS)
the tools
used for its
design, development, deployment, debugging and maintenance
, the applications which use it and the hardware on which it typically runs. The target audience is embedded systems practitioners across both industry and academia.
NuttX Online Workshop has four primary objectives:
to allow the developers and users of NuttX to meet up, to network together, exchange ideas and to understand their mutual needs and aspirations for the OS;
to agree on directions for the future development of NuttX together with Apache Software Foundation and to coalesce development groups to work on these initiatives;
to raise the profile of NuttX and allow potential adopters from around the world to see how widely it is already used; and and
to understand how we can make the development process for NuttX more diverse and robust.
>>> Inscrição gratuita (
Apply to Attend
) <<<
Organizadores (
Alan Carvalho de Assis, Espressif, Brasil
Alin Jerpelea, Sony, Suécia
Maria Julia Zabbal - IFF
Matheus Castello - Toradex
NuttX Online Workshop 2022 - Day #1 -
NuttX Online Workshop 2022 - Day #2
Warm-up #1 NuttX Online Workshop 2022
Ends on July 10, 2022 at 12:00AM PT -
Spresense Developer Challenge 2022 with Sony
Spresense is a unique combination of computing power and power efficiency - are you up to the task to develop something unique with it? Win up to $4,000+ in prizes!
21 e 22 AGO2021 -
Nuttx Free Online International Workshop
08:00 - 18:00
The scope of the workshop is the Nuttx
Real Time Operating System (RTOS)
the tools
used for its
design, development, deployment, debugging and maintenance
, the applications which use it and the hardware on which it typically runs. The target audience is embedded systems practitioners across both industry and academia.
NuttX Online Workshop has four primary objectives:
to allow the developers and users of NuttX to meet up, to network together, exchange ideas and to understand their mutual needs and aspirations for the OS;
to agree on directions for the future development of NuttX together with Apache Software Foundation and to coalesce development groups to work on these initiatives;
to raise the profile of NuttX and allow potential adopters from around the world to see how widely it is already used; and and
to understand how we can make the development process for NuttX more diverse and robust.
Inscrição gratuita (
Apply to Attend
Programação (
Organizadores (
Alan Carvalho de Assis, Espressif, Brasil
Alin Jerpelea, Sony, Suécia
Flavio Alves – PHI Innovations, Brasil
Sara Monteiro, Espressif, Brasil
Eventos: Inteligência Artificial,
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Confira em https://iaml.tec.br/eventos.html
Eventos: 6G/Beyond-5G
Confira em https://6g.tec.br/academia.html#eventos
Eventos: Open-RAN
Confira em https://open-ran.tec.br/index.html#eventos
Eventos: WiFi
Confira em https://wifi.tec.br/index.html#eventos
Eventos: Legislação e Tecnologia
Confira em https://legis.tec.br/eventos.html